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The Ultimate Guide To Sports Medicine: 5

Talk To NRG Physio

The Ultimate Guide To Sports Medicine: 4

Talk To NRG Physio

The Ultimate Guide to Sports Medicine: 3

Talk To NRG Physio

The Ultimate Guide To Sports Medicine

I just happened across this article online a couple weeks ago and the title got my intrigued right of that back. It was like click-bait for me. But only because I am a super nerd when it comes to this type of stuff. Anyway… The title of the article is The Ultimate Guide To Sports…
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The Ultimate Guide To Sports Medicine 2

This second video covers exclusively the workflow that was placed in this guide to help people navigate their way from injury back to sport. While there are some really great things in this guide there are also some HUGE gaps that really highlight the limitations in our current medical and rehab models train of thought…
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