Pain: What it is and how to deal with it correctly

Pain: What it is and how to deal with it correctly

Pain is an inevitability if you are an avid mover. But how we think about it and how we manage it are critical. Especially if we are going to emerge on the other side without chronic deficits and dysfunction. As a therapist, I encounter people daily who are in pain. Because of this, it has given me a unique perspective on how people deal with it and why they deal with it that way. What I have learned is that a lot of people have misconceptions around what pain is, why it happens, and how best to deal with it. These videos talk about what it is, what it is not, when it shows up and why, and provides a better model of how to deal with pain and injury in a way that limits recurrence.

Have you been dealing with pain in a way that has it coming back over and over? You might be leaving a lot of Incomplete Mechanics on the table. If you want an assessment to really understand whats going on click here to schedule with NRG Physio.

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