Understanding and Overcoming Chronic Low Back Pain

Understanding and Overcoming Chronic Low Back Pain


Chronic low back pain affects millions of people worldwide, especially those on the weight lifting scene, causing significant discomfort and limitations in the gym and daily activities. Despite the prevalence of this condition, many misconceptions about its causes and treatments persist. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of chronic low back pain, focusing on the importance of movement patterns and how making consistent, small changes can lead to long-term relief.

The Misconceptions About Chronic Low Back Pain

Many individuals believe that chronic low back pain is primarily caused by structural issues such as herniated discs or nerve impingements. While these conditions can contribute to pain, they are often symptoms rather than the root cause. The real culprit lies in our daily movement patterns and habits.

The Role of Movement Patterns

Our bodies are designed to move in ways that minimize stress on muscles, joints, and other structures. When we consistently deviate from these natural patterns, we place undue stress on our bodies, leading to pain and discomfort. Common examples include:

– Improper bending and lifting techniques – This is literally the only thing.

But it is not as simple as just moving different. There are things going on under the hood that are working against you and your efforts to change your movement patters. This is where specific mobility assessment and correction comes in real handy along with someone who can coach new mobility into a new movement pattern.

The Power of Consistent, Optimal Movement

Understanding the impact of everyday movements can empower you to take control of your pain. By adopting optimal movement patterns and practicing them consistently, you can support your body’s natural healing processes and reduce pain. This isn’t about making drastic changes overnight; it’s about making small, consistent improvements that add up over time.

Steps to Improve Your Movement Patterns

1. **Awareness:** Pay attention to how you move throughout your day. Are you lifting heavy objects with your back instead of your legs? Are you sitting with a neutral spine or slouching forward? Becoming aware of these habits is the first step towards change.

2. **Adjustments:** Make conscious adjustments to your movements. Use your legs to lift heavy objects and maintain a neutral spine while sitting. These adjustments might feel awkward initially, but with practice, they will become second nature and they are great ways to practice great positions during your day so that you engrain the great positions when you are doing more physical things.

3. **Regular Mobility Exercises:** Incorporate regular mobility exercises into your routine to address any existing imbalances or restrictions in your body. Finding out exactly what you should be doing is incredibly important and can be helpful in saving time by not just “throwing the kitchen sink” at your mobility.

4. **Consistency:** Healing from chronic pain requires a long-term commitment to better movement habits. Each positive change is like adding a brick to a solid foundation. Over time, these bricks add up, creating a structure that supports your overall well-being.

Addressing Underlying Issues

Joint stiffness, muscle tightness, and asymmetries can all contribute to improper movement patterns and chronic pain. You can identify and address these issues through targeted exercises and treatments if you have a guided approach to self assessment, the right tools for corrections, and great coaching to help you implement new mobility back into functional movement patterns.

The Journey to a Pain-Free Life

Healing from chronic low back pain is a journey that requires patience and persistence. Just as your pain didn’t develop overnight, it won’t disappear overnight either. However, with time, effort, and the right approach, you can achieve substantial improvements. That also does not mean you can’t or wont feel better now while on the way to your best movement patterns. Remember, your body has an incredible capacity for self-healing, and by supporting it with better movement patterns, you can facilitate this natural process.

Practical Tips for Daily Life

To help you on your journey, here are some practical tips to incorporate into your daily routine:

– **Proper Lifting Techniques:** Always be in search of your best positions for todays lifting sessions. Many things can change the resting tension in your body… poor sleep, poor nutrition, heavy training on previous days, etc… Just because you have success with one position yesterday does not mean that is your best position today. Take the time to find the best position for today and work there.

– **Frequent Breaks:** If you sit for long periods, take frequent breaks to stand, stretch, and move around. This helps to prevent stiffness and promotes better circulation and helps you get your steps in. More movement is better than less.

– **Mobility Routine:** Incorporate a daily mobility routines to improve functional positions and reduce muscle stiffness. Focus on things that will have the most bang for your buck in change your functional movements like squats, dead lifts, and overhead presses. Mobility routines are best right before you lift weights to prep your body for the movements you will be doing.

– **Strengthening Exercises:** You should be strength training. If you want to live long and prosper, the stronger and more muscular you can be, the more resilient you will be and less likely to have pain or injury.


Understanding and overcoming chronic low back pain involves more than just treating symptoms; it’s about adopting a holistic approach to movement and health. By becoming aware of your movement patterns, making small, consistent improvements, and incorporating regular mobility and strengthening exercises, you can support your body’s natural healing processes and reduce pain. Remember, this is a journey, and every step you take towards better movement is a step towards a pain-free life.

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